Digimon Adventure Digivice 2020 Edition [Japan Version]
TV animation "Digimon Adventure:", a new design "Digivice" used by the main character Taichi and selected children is commercialized.
With the quest system and battle system, you can adventure in all 11 areas in the digital world with your partner Digimon.
This product contains more than 100 characters that appear in "Digimon Adventure:".
You can enjoy battle and evolution while advancing the adventure.
In addition, this product is equipped with 8 full-color LEDs, and you can reproduce the evolution scene like the scene in the play according to the evolution production.
In battle scene, equipped with roulette input system.
By stopping at the right timing, the attack power of the partner Digimon can be increased and the game can proceed in an advantageous manner.
If you conquer a specific area, you can join a new partner Digimon, and you can increase the number of partner Digimon that can be used in battle.